Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dear darling glittering J.,

Isn’t reality something? if I really wanted I, myself, could believe in all the reality that I just told you, and I guess that many people would read what I just wrote and, if it was better written and if they had the right preparation or were predisposed to, they would believe it, they would frame my reality and they would believe the idea I was passing on in a completely definitive way. Media is even better than writing, as by using sound and image rhythms you can provoke the states of the mind, tune up the senses and induce the viewer to what you’ll show him later.

Documentary on someone’s awkward-different-from-all-the-rest reality is itself the product of someone’s appropriating that senseless reality through limited means which, even if it was journalism, must suffer from some kind of at least unconscious prejudice and judgement that frame up and allow the necessary comprehension to production. It’s good that nothing warrants that anyone else would look onto that in the same way as you, and it seems to me that this is in fact the core of documentary, as it would loose all interest if it wasn’t complex and multiple in all the possible interpretations/identifications that you allow through the decisions you took in order to reduce 10 hours of footing to 30 minutes of documentary.


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